Monday, April 26, 2010

Puppy Training Advice For New Puppy Owners

Bringing a new puppy home is only the first step on the long road to having a new family member. The stability of mom and siblings has just been uprooted, so convincing the puppy it is in good hands can be trying. The following puppy training advice should help in the training issues to soon follow.

Housebreaking With Crate Use -Teaching a puppy that doing its business in the house isn't desired, is tough. An easy method to this process is by using a crate for puppy training. By making a bed, with toys and ample room, the puppy will feel safe and comfortable. Dogs don't usually make a bathroom out of their bedding area, so the pup should be more inclined to wait to use the bathroom. Tap on the door and say, "No!" in a firm voice, should yelping start. Be sure to let the pup out for bathroom breaks on a regular basis, no more than two hours at a time should be spent in the crate. Let the puppy run around the house for at least an hour before returning to the crate.

Playing Without Biting -Puppies have tough skin and like to tug on each other with sharp little teeth. Humans don't seem to find this form of play enjoyable at all. Teaching a puppy that biting doesn't go along with playing is best to start as soon as the biting begins. When the puppy uses its teeth during playtime, get up and walk away.

This will let the puppy know that playtime ends as soon as the teeth come out. Hand it a toy instead, letting the puppy know that chewing on the toy is fine. If there are other pups to play with, socialize the pup with peers for some quality rough-housing time.

Keeping Four on the Floor -A jumping puppy will eventually turn into a jumping dog. This is frowned upon by many people, especially when mud or expensive clothes are involved.

Teaching a puppy that jumping isn't a great attribute can be easily done with treats, or by turning a back to the pup as it jumps up. This will let the pup know that keeping all fours on the floor is much better.

Following a consistent routine is a great piece of puppy training advice. When being repetitious about techniques, this reinforces the good behaviors and soon the negative ones will dissipate.


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